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Open Source (Plone) products we've released

When developing we try our best to create resuable code, to the benefit of our customers and community.  With a long and heavy experience in development we are able to create great results for our customers as well as other developers.   Here is a collection and description of Open Source products we've developed and released to the community.


MegamanicEdit is an extension to the Archetypes framework, and enables editing multiple objects at once.  The idea is that content types can be broken down into smaller pieces, and all these pieces can then be assembled easily into different content types.  It also comes a templating system so that for example a landing page on the website could accept input from visitors and create contacts. product page.


GrailTact is a contact database system;  it has a Contact and Contact landing page as its main content types (will be fetched from MegamanicEditContentTypes in the future).  The aim of this system is to create a great main contact database (address book if you will), integrated towards GMail, Facebook and so on. product page.


PermissionComprehensible is a tool one can use to audit/review security settings.  It is aimed towards site administrators, and will in the future also contain a simple way to manage security settings. product page.


EasyUserAuthenticationPlugin is an addon to PAS (used with Plone authentication for example) to enable users to login based on an IMAP server.  It has been designed to be easy to understand and adapt to other authentication needs, for example POP, LDAP and so on. product page.


PloneContentTemplates is a product that enables regular content in Plone to be used as templates for new content.  For example a business that provides training for software or similar, can create one event with the relevant information and mark that as a content template.  Then whenever a new training session is setup, one can start with that content template and create a new event. product page.


VariousDisplayWidgets is a tool that enables showing links and email addresses as clickable links, as opposed to the standard text (string) widget which produces only a text presentation. product page.


PloneboardComments is a tool that enables moving the discussion of content in Plone to Ploneboard forums.  Ploneboard is a user-friendly forum solution, and with this tool one can see comments (count and link to forum posts) related to a content item towards the bottom of the content item. product page.


RestrictedSize is a product that enables restricting the size of the input to a string field.  This is useful for example to limit the size of the title of a content item, so that it doesn't "dominate" or scew other parts of the page, breaking the layout for example. product page.


ReverseFolderContents is a simple to use tool that will reverse the folder contents listing in Plone.  One can edit the settings of a folder and specificy that contents should be reversed and it will be reversed in listings.  One should note that reversing only works for logged-in users. product page.


Products.PatchPloneContent is a collection of tools to alter Archetypes-based content.  One can add fields and validators to existing content easily. product page.


Products.BlobNewsItem is a product that migrates the image field of the standard news item content type in Plone to blobs.  This is useful on sites that are posting a lot of news items for example, as storage of (sometimes large) news item images are moved out of the object database and into separate files, saving disk-space in various settings as well as significantly reducing the memory usage of the Zope/Plone instance. product page.


Products.SoundMirror is a product in the early stages where content in Plone can be mirrored in soundfiles and play via the browser.  It has been fully working on customer sites but then as customizations through the ZMI, so there is work to refactor and migrate that code and content into a filesystem product (egg). product page.


Products.EnhancedNewsItemImage is a product that enables different ways of selecting an image for a news item, as well as always demand that an image caption is set if an image has been specified.  This is especially useful to ensure the accessability of a site. product page.


Products.ForumPage is a product that enables selecting forums whose postings should be displayed on a page.  Useful for example to create a default view for a member site where recent posts from different posts are displayed on the front page. product page.


Products.NewsPage is a simple product that enables displaying news as the default view in a folder, or by using its macro to display news in a page template.  It was developed several years ago, and recently released as an egg. product page.


Products.RFC822AddressFieldValidator is a product created to validate the addresses entered in an email address message field.  Email addresses are separated by a comma (,) and must contain an @ character.  Pretty rough validator but should do the trick for now. product page.


Products.MegamanicEditContentTypes is a collection of content types for use in the MegamanicEdit framework.  Sporting contact, contact landing page, email and other classes this thing contains a lot of value for most sites.  It also has an Attendee Event type that enables registering participants for example for conferences. product page.


Products.ScreenReaderNavigation is a simple product that adds start and end headers to the standard Plone navigation, and also makes navigation use the Title of the object instead of its description for the navigation link title. product page.


Products.SimpleCalendar is an accessible, simple web calendar that will display Event content type objects to users.  Has a month, week and day view as well as some others.  In early development but promising. product page.


Products.CalendarListingPortlet is a simple product that gives a display of future events in a portlet and a separate template.  Currently working with intranet_workflow and the state internally_published, future versions should contain code to customize this behaviour as well as the ability to select number of events to list in the portlet. product page.


Products.PloneboardPortlet is a small portlet package that enables the display of Ploneboard conversations in a portlet.  The most recent conversations are displayed, and number of conversations, which forums conversations are picked from, the ploneboard_recent template context and portlet title can be specified. product page.


Products.SimpleCalendarPortlet is a simple product to combine with Products.SimpleCalendar to get settings based display of events in a calendar portlet.  Supports navigating through months without reloading the whole interface. product page.



Products.MenuNavigation is a simple product that enables putting some HTML-formatted info in portlets or as parts of a drop-down menu navigation. product page.

Open Source (Zope) products we've released


Products.PurgeMissingObjectInterfaces is a tool that helps in the process of removing old interfaces.  Because of the way Zope interfaces are sometimes used, one can be locked out of a Zope/Plone site because interface definitions are missing.  This product is used together with FakeZopeInterface to work with sites that have broken interface definitions. product page.


Products.MigrateExternalMethods is a product/tool to aid in the migration of External Methods that used to live for example in the Extensions folder and into a product.  The developer moves the External Methods into the Extensions folder of a product, and then runs the relevant External Method defined in Products.MigrateExternalMethods. product page.


No, not the song of Babylon Zoo.  Spaceman is a tool that enables figuring out what folders in a Zope instance that are taking up space.  This was created a while ago, so it hasn't been tested whether objects that store content in blobs are correctly counted.

Product page.

Products.Undoer (Zope Undo Tool)

Products.Undoer is a simple Zope product that enables undoing changes to the database, based on a time.  This is useful for example when testing or developing to jump back to the start, or in cases where users of the site have made changes to a Zope/Plone instance that needs to be undone, such as breaking the front page for example and where backups are difficult/impossible to get. product page.


Products.SimpleChat is a Zope product (well usable within Plone too) that enables users and visitors to have a discussion with almost instant updates.  Kind of an IRC-light, with usernames and the ability to block (ban) users.  Also works for anonymous visitors (that can specify a username). product page.


FakeZopeInterface is a product that enables creating fake Zope interface definitions.  Developed for use with Products.PurgeMissingObjectInterfaces to create fake Zope interfaces so that for example a Plone site can be "stabilized" and worked on (to remove the dependencies upon certain missing interfaces). product page.


FakeZopeUser is a product that enables faking a Zope user.  Was initially developed to enable an external method for setting up new Plone sites to work properly, as the Workflow machinery has to have some user to refer to, to work properly. product page.


IssueDealer is an issue content management system.  It was started upon in 2003, and the most recent experimental version has different kind of issue definitions, a weblog publisher, WebDAV publisher and other goodies, as well as a lightweight application framework for definining content TTW (through the web).

Product homepage.


Products.ZODBFriendlyCounter is a simple product that creates a very fast Zope counter.  It can serve up a number of IDs per second and is mainly for having a product that can generate unique (but not necessarily sequential) IDs. product page.


Products.PageTemplateFilledSlots is a product that enables "seeing" which slots in the current template are being filled by the calling template.  Was developed to have a way of knowing whether the content-core or main slot in a site migrated from Plone 3 to Plone 4 was being used. product page.


Open Source (Python) products we've released


email_backport is a backport of the email module available in newer versions of Python, so that it is made available for older versions of Python.  The reason behind this is to be able to use the new email module naming conventions and features in older versions of Python. product page.



Screenshots, links and info about some of the customers we've served over the years.

We've served many customers over the years, below is a selection of customers that serve as examples of what we can contribute to. :)


Norges Blindeforbund (The Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted) is a customer we've done a lot of work for, and they have been pleased with the results as you can see on our clients page.


We've done various work for IICD and as you can see their website is functional and stylish.  They were also pleased with our work.